Wednesday, May 25, 2011


After having spent countless hours laughing my sizable arse off from reading prank emails at Don', I decided it might be fun to go on Craigslist and find a victim of my own.  So here it is for your reading pleasure: I give you dish lady.

Original Ad:

Needed: Dishes

I am looking for dishes. If you have any dishes you don't need, please let me know and I will come pick them up!
I am especially looking for older looking, vintage floral pattern dishes, but anything will do. Thanks!

Email from Me to Heather: 


I saw your ad on Craigslist saying you needed dishes or something?  Well, I got dishes. You want them?  They've been in my garage for a couple of years now so they're probably dusty, are you using them for anything in particular? 

Let me know if your interested,

Heather to Me: 
Yes, I would be interested.  Could you send me a quick photograph? And what city do you live in?

Me to Heather:

I live in Draper city, UT, but if that's too far for you I'd be happy to mail them to you if your interested.  Anyway I attached a quick pic I took of one of the dishes.  I wiped off most of the dust so you can see it better.  Let me know when you want the plates delivered, thanks. 

 Heather to Me:

Thanks for the picture.  These dishes would be great.  My husband and I will be in Sandy on Saturday, so we'd love to come pick them up since Draper is so close.  What time would be best for you?

Me to Heather: 

You like the dishes then?  Great!  I've been meaning to get them off my property for a while, since this German fella keeps sending me threatening letters for having them.  He claims that it's the property of the "Fuher" or something of the sort.  Weird huh?  What the hell is a fuher?  On that note however, I also have a stash of German porn I've been looking to get rid of, any chance you'd want that too?  They're just about as old as the dishes anyway.

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