Monday, January 24, 2011

Why the new Blog?

If you're some sort of stalker/follower of my previous blog, "Nique's Fancy Blog", then you might be wondering what all this Mind Waters nonsense is.

Well the thing is with Nique's Blog, is while it does allow me to create an ever-expanding character through in-character blog posts and adventure stories, the format itself is somewhat limiting in that I must always be posting in-character.  Since I'm not ALWAYS being Nique Liveshitz, there are several articles and blogging ideas I have that aren't exactly based in Nique's world, and thus I need a place to allow myself to spill out all my other thoughts and arbitrary articles concerning topics I would normally not touch in a Nique Liveshitz post.

So in summary, this blog is going to be pretty much about everything else I don't talk about in the Nique stories.  flash fiction, day-to-day observations, my thoughts about the universe, sketches, pretty much anything that comes to mind will be what I post here.  Unlike my other blog however, which is updated on a (somewhat) daily basis, this blog will have no weekly or daily format whatsoever, as I have enough work on my hands as is.  So just expect updates whenever I feel like it.

Having said all that, I may as well end this post with a drawing I made while I was bored today.

I think it's some sort of worm dude.  Not entirely sure why he's looking at the floor, but there's probably good reason for it.

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